Monday, December 16, 2019


IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO SEE A NEW MODEL MAGAZINE, so we are pleased to see the latest from Guideline Publications, the fascinating Fantasy Figures International which is in stores now.

Mat Irvine: Figure modelling has always been popular, whether the subjects are fact or fantasy. The US publication Amazing Figure Modeler has been produced for many years, and I reckon that a new British magazine could well emulate the success of its US cousin.

The first issue of Fantasy Figures International (FFI) does basically what it says on the tin, featuring a cross-section of articles that deal with various aspects of figure modelling. For example, there are two articles on Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K), pages on figures and machinery, and a look at figure painter Mark Taylor.

The Safest Place is an article that takes a black-humour look at a post-apocalyptic scene – which happens to be set in a bathroom.

There are also features on more traditional subjects, such as Ready for Battle which reveals 14th century knights in a diorama setting. Back From the Wire reveals a World War I trench scene. But fact or fiction, building and painting techniques are much the same, and FFI tackles them all well.

Current plans for Fantasy Figures International are to publish six times a year, says the Editor, David Grummitt. Our thanks to Assistant Editor, Paul Osbourne, who supplied the review copy. We wish FFI well, as it provides many hints and tips in the picture-packed pages, which will make the magazine useful for beginners and experts alike.

Click here for more details.

Contents pages (below) show there's plenty to interest figure fans.

Densely populated new kit releases pages (below) reveal just how popular this subject is – and that means there's lots to look at.

One of the two articles (below) that deal with Ma.K, the sci-fi series first created by Kow Yokoyama. Click here for Ma.K at SMN.

The After the Apocalypse article (below) shows a German Stug IV, based on a US Sherman tank.

One of the perhaps not-quite-fantasy subjects (below) but if you can paint a figure like this, you can probably paint anything.

More ancient history (below) with some great tips on dealing with stonework and wooden doors.

Star Wars is covered (below) in the form of the Speeder Bike, though the model here features a Bandai kit, not the original MPC kit.

More science fiction (below) though this particular subject dates back to the original SF3D sci-fi series of 1982-85, later retitled as today's familiar Maschinen Krieger.

Click here to visit Kow Yokoyama's Facebook page.

Click here for much more Ma.K at SMN.

And here's a nifty video from YouTube (below) which provides a good background on what's possible for the skilled Ma.K-maker.