Tuesday, March 17, 2020


THANKS TO MAX KOHNKE on YouTube we can show you this excellent video history of the Hawk Model Company.

SMN report: One of the pioneers of the kit industry, Hawk still lives on, though a succession of sales and takeovers over the years has meant frequent changes of management.

Still, many of the injection-moulds survive, so it's great to know that we should be seeing Hawk models for years to come.

This 1950s advert (below) shows a trio of kits, though the Atlas (bottom right) is a speculative design that appears to owe more to sci-fi than the US missile industry.

Hawk had many civilian speed machines in its list, including (below) the British Supermarine S6B Schneider Trophy-winning seaplane.

Max Kohnke's video (below) is packed with interesting snippets of information. Enjoy!