HERE'S A HANDSOMELY MADE BUNCH OF MODELS courtesy of our colleague Peter Chiang, of Hobby Bounties, Singapore.
David Jefferis: The sponsored competition is held annually, and proves that the modelmaking spirit is alive and well in this corner of Asia. The model of HMS Victorious (below) has a flightdeck loaded for action. Aircraft on view include a trio of Supermarine Scimitars and a quintet of de Havilland Sea Vixens. Sadly, it looks like a Scimitar missed the deck and is in the drink.
Other pictures here show a wide range of skills, though World War II is clearly the most popular theme and era for these scale modellers. An exception is the neatly made Grumman F-14 Tomcat, finished in the the colours of the IIAF (Imperial Iranian Air Force). These were exported as land-based interceptors to Iran in 1976, and a few are still in service by the present Islamic regime.
As always, click a pic for an enlarged view.