Saturday, May 23, 2009


HERE'S A ROBOTIC AIRCRAFT KIT in the form of the Italer RQ-1B Predator. It’s a nice model, with less than two dozen parts - just right for an evening’s work after the sun goes down.

SMN report: As a great fan of snap-tite kits for their speed of assembly, even I could happily squeeze a tube cement for this one.

In real life, Predators are flown by remote pilots, sitting in air-conditioned portacabins which may be thousands of miles away from enemy action. It must be a bit more relaxing than getting your pants shot off, that’s for sure. The tiny size of these drones makes them difficult to spot from the ground - a Predator orbiting a hot-spot from a few thousand feet up is effectively invisible.

Have a look at the video below to get an idea of the missions these machines perform.

Also, Lebanese model fan Emad Tabsh has built an Italeri RQ-1B Predator, and his excellent and interesting pictures are posted online here. A nice presentation, Emad.

The Italeri RQ-1B Predator is available now.

Click here for the model from Amazon.