Tuesday, November 15, 2016


ITALIAN MODEL MAKER STEFANO MARCHETTI entered this blood-red alt-history Ferrari at the recent Scale ModelWorld show.

SMN report: Stefano is no stranger to winning model competitions, and SMN has featured him before here. In 2012, his 'Modern Steam Monobike 1896' was the first entry in the Space, Sci-fi and Fantasy (SSFF) category to take Best of Show winner.

And this Ferrari, although a more modern subject, fits the SSFF category neatly. It is an alternative-history concept that has morphed a 1967 Ferrari 330 P4 with assorted technical components to make a turbine-engined vertical takeoff machine. Mind you, we're not quite sure how such a V/STOL racer would work on the Daytona racing circuit that Stefano has indicated. Perhaps those power spheres at each corner lift the Ferrari only to knee-height.

No matter: the model looks great and is another deserved win for Stefano Marchetti.

Look out for Mat Irvine's account of Scale ModelWorld 2016, which should appear shortly.

Pic courtesy Mat Irvine.