Thursday, November 17, 2016


INCREDIBLE ATTENTION TO DETAIL and a beautiful finish mark out Stefano Marchetti's fantasy Ferrari. The model took overall gold in the 2016 International Plastic Modellers' Society (IPMS) competition.

SMN report: Mat Irvine's closeup pix reveal the minute detail portrayed by Stefano. Handsome work indeed, and something of a shame that the car doesn't exist in reality. Hot Wheels take note!

The turbine exhaust (below) is nicely discoloured, indicating a high exhaust temperature.

Lift-up entry hatch (below) echoes the original 1960s-era Ferrari cockpit.

Fictional-tech curving vertical-takeoff lifters (below) replace rubber tyres in this alt-history model. Note the extendable landing pads that take the weight of the Ferrari when the turbine is switched off.

Stefano has managed assorted peripheral details well (below). Here, a classic oil can vies for attention with spanners, screwdriver, plus other bits and pieces.

Flammable fuel and a hot turbine engine are a fire risk, so Stefano made sure to add a fire extinguisher (below) to his diorama. Note the warning text on the cylinder.